Tag Archives: Cinergy Coaching

Letting Go…..

This week’s guest post is by Cinnie Noble. Cinnie is the founder of CINERGY™ Coaching, a division of Noble Solutions Inc. in Toronto Canada. She is a lawyer-mediator, a certified coach and a former social worker, who has studied and practiced a range of conflict management services, for over 20 years. The CINERGY® Conflict Management Coaching Blog – is for coaches, mediators, HR professionals, ombudsmen, leaders, lawyers, psychologists, counselors and others who work with people in conflict on a one-on-one basis.

Intertwined with the notion of resilience and moving past the feelings and thoughts that emerge from our disputes is whether we can actually forget about what occurred. Can we let go?

Or do we store the emotional impact and the impressions we make about the other person and ourselves. Unless we unpack what happened for us in our interpersonal disputes we will carry that ‘baggage’ around with us for a very long time.

The starting point is that it is unlikely that we totally forget the interactions that offend us or in which we offend others. Some conflicts unfortunately leave indelible marks that make it difficult to forget about the pain of the interaction. Others of course, do not leave marks as deep. In either case, what we do hold onto in our hearts and minds is significant and the feelings and thoughts that remain commonly show up again in situations with the same person or with others when similar dynamics arise. It is also common that when we agonize about what remains unresolved, we misplace or displace our emotions on bystanders or issues that are not relevant. In any case, it helps us to focus on what we remember as an opportunity to develop our conflict mastery about how to lighten the load about the things we don’t want to let go of.

Ask yourself some questions about an interpersonal dispute which you are not forgetting:

1. What specifically are you not letting go about that specific dispute?
2. Using the answer from #1, what is particularly significant for you about that specific thing or things?
3. What is the impact on you about not letting go of a specific thing or things?
4. What impact do you think this (not letting go) has on the other person?
5. What are you gaining from not letting go?
6. What are you loosing from not letting go?
7. If you think or feel it’s not necessary to let go or you don’t want to forget or the memory remains for other reasons, what are you holding onto about this matter? And for what reason(s)?
8. What would letting go of that thing (or those things) be like for you?
9. What impact would letting go have on the other person?
10. In what ways does the memory you have of this situation reflect something you are not letting go about a previous situation (or situations) too?

What insights do these questions provide?


This week’s guest post is by Cinnie Noble.
You can contact Cinnie at:

Toll free (in Canada & US): 1-866-335-6466
Email: cinnie@cinergycoaching.com
Twitter: @CINERGYCoaching

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The Elephant or the Mouse in the Room, guest post by Cinnie Noble

This is a guest post by Cinnie Noble, president of CINERGY™ Coaching is a division of Noble Solutions Inc. based in Toronto, Ontario, providing conflict management coaching services and training worldwide. You can contact Cinne at: cinnie@cinergycoaching.com

The proverbial elephant that appears in the room when we are in conflict isn’t always as big as an elephant. It may be more like a mouse. However, a mouse is no less problematic when it scurries around and inserts itself in small places, like the crevices of our hearts and brains.
Elephants and mice represent the unspoken hurts or words. They are what is going on between disputing people that isn’t being said. They are the lingering doubts and the niggling feelings. They are the missing pieces of the puzzle. They are present without being identified.
At times, it may appear that we resolve matters without ever acknowledging elephants and mice that hover around. Without bringing them into the room though, conflict conversations are destined to have blinders on so that we don’t actually acknowledge their presence. Inevitably though, it seems, the mouse or elephant will reappear in the next conflict, with this person or another.
When we are in conflict, we are responsible for letting the elephant or the mouse in and identifying what they are telling us. The quest for conflict mastery acknowledges this point and you may find it helpful to consider how to acknowledge the elephant or mouse in your conflict conversations, with these types of self-reflective questions:
• Think of the last dispute you were engaged in, when an elephant or mouse was there that wasn’t identified. What was it?
• What kept you from acknowledging its presence, do you think?
• What do you suppose kept the other person(s) from identifying it?
• Which image – a mouse or an elephant – most resonates for you in that dispute and why?
• How would bringing the elephant or mouse into the conversation have changed things?
• How would that change in the conversation have benefited you?
• What part would have been detrimental for you and how?
• How may the other person have benefited if the elephant or mouse were identified?
• What part of that change would hurt the other person and how?
• Generally, under what circumstances may it be best to identify and not identify the elephant or mouse present in the room?

CINERGY™ Coaching is a division of Noble Solutions Inc. based in Toronto, Ontario, providing conflict management coaching services and training worldwide.
Phone: 416-686-4247
Toll free (Canada & US): 1-866-335-6466
Fax: 416-686-9178
Email: cinnie@cinergycoaching.com
Twitter: @CINERGYCoaching
Please add any other comments about this topic. Or, what other ConflictMastery™ Quest(ions) add to this aspect of conflict mastery that may be helpful?

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